EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is performed by a trained therapist. It involves the therapist gently stimulating the client, helping them to revisit a traumatic event. Once the memory comes to mind, the client experiences the event in a new way.
EMDR helps the client gain perspective and self-knowledge to control their response to the trauma instead of feeling powerless. The process can take several sessions if the client has experienced several traumatic events.
The client will undergo EMDR sessions until all the traumatic events are relieved. During the session, the client may be asked to focus on the three aspects of the visual image of the trauma, the negative thoughts that resulted from the trauma, and the part of the body that is most affected by the trauma.
The patient experiences a gradual decrease in the arousal associated with the trauma with every session. This process continues until all the symptoms are relieved.