A few of the most common warning signs of OCD include having obsessive thoughts or worries and trying to alleviate these worries with repetitive behavior patterns. Obsessions are identified as uncontrollable thoughts that cause irrational worry and anxiety. For example, you may be obsessed with the thought of order or organization and may get really stressed out if anything in your home is out of its proper place. You may fear that something important will get lost or misplaced.
As a result, you may engage in compulsive, uncontrollable behaviors like arranging and rearranging things until they're "perfect" in your mind. You may be unable to think about anything else, do other things, or even leave the house until you've arranged things just right. In this situation, the obsessive thought is the need for order, and the compulsive behavior is repeated organization.
Even after engaging in the compulsive behavior, the obsessive thought often returns quickly, leading to an ongoing and alarming cycle of thoughts and behaviors that can sometimes take up hours of their lives.