Welcome to Rooted in Grace Psychological Services. I'm Dr. Abrielle Conway, a licensed psychologist with specialties in perinatal mental health, trauma/PTSD, and Christian integrative therapy. Perinatal Mental Health: Adapting to parenthood is a huge challenge for many new parents. Common factors are sleep deprivation, hormonal fluctuations, feeding issues, loss of personal freedom and self-care, and figuring out who you are as a person after having had a baby. These are all common experiences, yet navigating them without the appropriate support can be difficult, if not impossible. Beyond adjustment, many mothers and fathers experience post-partum depression or anxiety. It's important to distinguish between the typical "baby blues" and conditions that require more time-sensitive interventions. In addition to expected postpartum concerns during this phase of life, I also work with individuals experiencing depression or anxiety following the birth of their child, grief associated with infertility or multiple pregnancy losses, and recovering from traumatic childbirth experiences. If you've been touched by any of the above, please know that you're not alone. There is nothing wrong or inadequate with you as a person. Despite all of the heart-wrenching pain you're feeling, there are ways of growing and healing through the pain. Trauma/PTSD: If you've experienced or witnessed a life-threatening situation, you may be feeling like you're trapped in fear, unable to forget and move on with your life. You may think that no one understands, making you feel distant from others. Perhaps you are no longer involved in things you used to enjoy because of what happened. It may be interfering with your ability to focus and get things done. Please know that these are all common responses to traumatic events and they can be resolved through trauma focused therapies like Cognitive Processing Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy. Christian-Integrative Therapy: As a Christian psychologist, I recognize the importance of being sensitive to matters of faith. While my personal faith certainly colors my view of the world, contributors to distress, and paths toward healing, I only use explicitly Christian interventions if you would like to integrate them into your treatment. In this way, I can accommodate many individuals regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey. TYPES OF SERVICES PROVIDED I primarily utilize individual therapy, but also work with couples on an individual basis. THERAPY APPROACHES Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Cognitive Behavioral (CBT) Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (UP) For more detailed information about my specialty areas or the practice, you may visit www.rootedingracepsych.org I hope this has been helpful. If you have additional questions about the practice or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact the office at the link above or at (239) 439-8900.