Life is complex and unstructured when it comes to change, which is why as a human being you can get into a place where you consider those changes as permanent and destructive in their own way, but if moments are taken to adapt to those changes you will have then opened a door for transformation to take place within you that will be able to work for you in a powerful way. I am very passionate about providing holistic methods and techniques to assist others in helping themselves to reach a level of self-acceptance and understanding against those most vulnerable inner dysfunctions to allow for healing and self-love to replace self- sabotage. In life everything starts with a thought first, which is why my primary theoretical orientation is CBT because if you have the ability to acknowledge, analyze, and accept your thoughts as being just a thought then that will give you the power to change it because it does not serve you. In addition, I do have experience in many other theoretical orientations such as existential therapy, narrative therapy, and etc. I believe that there is various therapeutic techniques that has the ability to benefit a given person based off of their needs, which is why I implement an integrative approach with my clients. I am a believer in L.I.F.E counseling which simply means Living In Faith Everyday because intentional belief is a source of power to achieve betterment so why not choose to believe in yourself through the renewing of your mind when it comes to letting go of those self- destructive habits and behaviors. Are you ready to do your work?