Elevated care for mind, body, and community. Dr. Caitlin Speck provides therapy in-person in Bend, Oregon or through telehealth across the state of Oregon. Dr. Speck is committed to helping those seeking positive change, peace or healing, and new skills. With evidence-based strategies, she guides individuals navigating depression, anxiety, and/or adjusting to new life chapters, the journey of aging, or relationship challenges. Please visit www.mindhealthconsult.com or click the "website" button for more information about Dr. Speck's services. The best method for contacting Dr. Speck is to request an appointment through her website portal. Behavioral medicine is the focus on treatment for mind and body. Dr. Speck trained in medical settings and is specialized in treating medical diagnoses (insomnia, diabetes, weight management, etc.) from a behavioral perspective. At your request, services can include direct consultation with your health care provider to ensure a collaborative treatment plan. When you are needing help, it can be difficult to verbalize what you need or what you are looking for from a therapist. It's also possible that you may not know what you need, you just know you need help. Dr. Speck provides a free initial phone call to explore potential fit and treatment options. Please go to www.mindhealthconsult.com for more information.