Glad you're here, I'm Carly! Music is a phenomenon that naturally brings people together by connecting them through rhythm, emotion, and shared experiences. I consider myself a humanistic therapist. My focus is client-directed and person-centered. I believe that therapy is driven by the development of relationships. These relationships are the essential force that guides the direction of therapy. We will identify obstacles impacting our lives and explore solutions that promote growth. What I love about music therapy and the creative arts is its flexibility and adaptability to fit any situation. We will create an environment that promotes connection, expression, and communication. Musical and creative processes offer opportunities to deepen one’s self-examination and reflection. As a result, we hope to gain a sense of clarity and insight into understanding our internal and external worlds. The creative process is innately a collaborative experience. Therefore, we will navigate this journey together! My mission is for my clients to gain an enriched sense of empowerment and self-awareness when dealing with all aspects of life.