Thank you for contacting me for psychological services with my practice, Integrated Behavioral Health & Wellness Consultants, PLLC. IBHWC was formed to address the growing need of individuals to learn cope with and navigate through major life issues. These situations may make it difficult to smoothly work through these stressors and daily commitments. One of the main goals is to help patients emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually. experience a place of inner peace. The therapy part of my practice is open to individuals 18 years and older regardless of their race. ethnicity, religion, and/or sexual orientation. I have an extensive background in working with individuals who have experienced and/or diagnosed with trauma, domestic violence, depression, Bipolar Disorder,, anxiety, PTSD. LBGTQ individuals, and coping with chronic health disorders. IBHWC also offers psychological evaluations for adolescents and adults. Please remember your child's schools should offer psychological, behavioral. intelligence, academic, assessments at no charge to you. However, we would still be happy to evaluate individuals from 12 through geriatrics. Please ask for a consult a free 15 minute consult should you be interested in testing.