Clinician Headshot

Dr. Ana Garcia Perez

Clinical Psychologist, Ph.D. Anchor Clinical Psychology, LLC
Available this week
Specialties: Autism Evaluation, ADHD evaluations, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma,
Insurance: Optum, United Healthcare Behavioral Health, Aetna, Care First BCBS, Out of Network


In such circumstances, taking the proactive step of exploring therapy can serve as a transformative catalyst for positive change in your life. By seeking professional guidance, you can gain valuable insights, develop coping strategies, and cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness. As a clinical psychologist, I am passionate about helping individuals like you face some of life's most significant challenges. Our services are designed to cater to your unique needs, providing a safe and supportive space for personal growth and transformation. My mission is to focus on what is important to you—your aspirations and goals. I will guide you to concentrate on the things within your control and make positive changes that can bring you closer to engaging in what you value most and living a meaningful life. It's important to note that our therapy services are available in both Spanish and English, ensuring that language is never a barrier to receiving the assistance you deserve. Take this opportunity to prioritize your well-being and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, we can work towards finding greater balance, fulfillment, and resilience in your life. In my practice, I focus on providing psychotherapy to high-functioning adults with the following symptoms: Mood disorders Anxiety Stress Depression Trauma Relational concerns Medical conditions (e.g Chronic Pain) Among others I provide Evidence-Based interventions, including, but not limited to, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT);Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain (CBT-CP), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Behavioral Activation. I conduct testing to clarify diagnoses such as mood disorders, trauma, intellectual disabilities, and ADHD. **** ¿Se enfrenta actualmente a desafíos al navegar por las complejidades de la vida? ¿Estás luchando contra el estrés, la ansiedad, el trauma, los factores estresantes sociales y médicos y la pérdida de alegría en las actividades que solían brindarte felicidad? Como ser humano, enfrenta desafíos en la vida y en ocasiones puede comenzar a sentirse estancado. En tales circunstancias, dar el paso proactivo de explorar la terapia puede servir como un catalizador transformador para un cambio positivo en su vida. Al buscar ayuda profesional, puede obtener información valiosa, desarrollar estrategias de afrontamiento y cultivar un mayor sentido de autoconciencia. Como psicóloga clínica, me apasiona ayudar a personas como usted a enfrentar algunos de los desafíos más importantes de la vida. Nuestros servicios están diseñados para satisfacer sus necesidades únicas, brindando un espacio seguro y de apoyo para el crecimiento y la transformación personal. Mi misión es concentrarme en lo que es importante para usted: sus aspiraciones y metas. Lo guiaré para que se concentre en las cosas que están bajo su control y haga cambios positivos que puedan acercarlo a participar en lo que más valora y vivir una vida significativa. Es importante tener en cuenta que nuestros servicios de terapia están disponibles tanto en español como en inglés, lo que garantiza que el idioma nunca sea una barrera para recibir la asistencia que se merece. Aprovecha esta oportunidad para priorizar tu bienestar y embarcarte en un viaje de autodescubrimiento y empoderamiento. Juntos, podemos trabajar para encontrar un mayor equilibrio, satisfacción y resiliencia en su vida. En mi práctica, me enfoco en brindar psicoterapia a adultos de alto funcionamiento con los siguientes síntomas: Trastornos del estado de ánimo Ansiedad Estrés Depresión Trauma Preocupaciones relacionales Condiciones médicas (por ejemplo, dolor crónico) Entre otros Proporciono intervenciones basadas en la evidencia, que incluyen, entre otras, la terapia conductual cognitiva (CBT), la terapia conductual cognitiva para el dolor crónico (CBT-CP), la terapia de procesamiento cognitivo (CPT), la terapia de compromiso de aceptación (ACT) y la activación conductual. Realizo evaluaciones para aclarar diagnósticos como trastornos del estado de ánimo, trauma, discapacidades intelectuales y TDAH. 1727 Kings street, Alexandria VA, 22314

RACE & ETHNICITY Hispanic/Latinx


  • Accepting new clients
  • Offers free consultation
  • In-person & telehealth appointments
  • Accepts online payments and insurance


  • LPC #PY11669 (FL)
  • LPC #005804 (PR)
  • LPC #0810007790 (VA)


Additional focus areas

Treatment Approaches

Population focus

Appointment types

  • Individuals
  • Coaching


  • Military/Veterans
  • Feminism

Age groups

  • Children (6-12)
  • Teenagers (12-18)
  • Young Adults (18-24)
  • Adults (24+)
  • Elders (65+)


  • English
  • Spanish

Payment options Free intro call available

Pay with insurance

Dr. Ana Garcia Perez accepts these insurance providers. What you pay depends on your plan.
  • Optum
  • United Healthcare Behavioral Health
  • Aetna
  • Care First BCBS
  • Out of Network

Pay out-of-pocket

  • Fee Description $185 - $250


Anchor Clinical Psychology LLC
1727 King St STE 300,
Alexandria, VA 22314-2700
Get Directions
Phone Call llamada Anchor Clinical Psychology. LLC
Alexandria, VA 22314
Telehealth - Video Office GT

Frequently asked questions

Is Dr. Ana Garcia Perez accepting new clients and do they offer online appointment requests? Dr. Ana Garcia Perez is currently accepting new clients and can be booked on the Monarch website. Dr. Ana Garcia Perez also offers a free consultation.
Does Dr. Ana Garcia Perez offer telehealth appointments? Dr. Ana Garcia Perez does offer telehealth appointments. You can request to book a telehealth appointment with them on their Monarch profile.
What areas does Dr. Ana Garcia Perez specialize in? Dr. Ana Garcia Perez specializes in the following areas: Adjustment Disorder, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Coping Skills, Depression, Fears/Phobias, Loneliness, PTSD, Self Esteem, Sexual Abuse, Stress, Trauma, Women's Health, and Women's Issues.

Monarch does not employ any provider and is not responsible for the conduct of any provider listed on our site. All information in member profiles, and messages are created from data provided by the providers and not generated or verified by Monarch. As a user, you need to perform your own diligence to ensure the provider you choose is appropriate for your needs and complies with applicable laws and licensure requirements. Monarch is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice.

Monarch assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable, for the quality or any other aspect of the services a provider may provide to you, nor will Monarch be liable for any act, omission or wrongdoing committed or allegedly committed by any provider.

Articles and information and assessments posted on Monarch are for informational purposes only, and it is not intended to diagnose or treat any health conditions. Treatment and diagnosis should be performed by an appropriate health care provider.