Deciding who to entrust with the mental health needs for you or your family is a daunting task. You may be seeking therapy to make sense of distressing events from your past or with the hope of a better understanding of yourself. You may be having difficulty controlling self-critical thoughts or worries that are now interfering with daily life and relationships. You're seeing others meet their goals and you're wondering what makes it so difficult for you to do the same. As a parent, you may need support with a child or teen who has emotional, behavioral, or academic struggles. You've tried everything, but nothing has worked so far. By utilizing your expertise on your child, we can find the solution that best fits your family's needs and unlocks your child's potential. I am dedicated to providing an individualized healing experience characterized by skill building and compassion. I look forward to collaborating with you to clarify your values and to build upon your strengths so you can feel better equipped to make positive changes in your life.