Asking for help is difficult, as is admitting when we are struggling. My goal is to help all of my clients accept and voice their struggles, no matter what they may be. Improving self esteem, self thought, boundaries, communication, and conflict resolution practices while in a safe and empowering environment are just some of the key aspects to improving ones overall mental health. My philosophy centers on the destigmatization of mental health issues. Each person is the expert in their own journey. My role is to act as a guide and helper in that journey, not as the authority. I work with individuals who struggle with women's issues, relationships or conflict, stress and parenting, anxiety, self esteem, communication, boundary setting, and adjustment issues. I also work closely with neurodivergent clients to understand their neurodivergencies and how these affect their lives. My goal is to help each client find their footing and develop the skills to weather even the strongest storm. Progress in those times is not linear, there are many ups and downs. What truly matters is how they handle those hard times. I hope to help each client find their inner strength.