Like many therapists I identify as having an "eclectic" style to my work. My particular mix of therapy techniques draws most heavily from Liberation Health models (which focuses on situating a client's experiences within larger contexts such as institutional and systemic oppression), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Narrative Therapy, and others. As such, I tend to let sessions flow how feels appropriate. Much of my work focuses on dealing with trauma of all types, including the impact of racism, sexism, transphobia, classism, heterosexism, and other systems of marginalization on individuals and communities, childhood traumas and traumas sustained in adulthood, from the "big" traumas acknowledged by others, to "little" traumas often dismissed by others. In addition to my focus on the impacts of trauma and marginalization, I specialize in working with those who identify as part of queer, trans, poly and/or kinky communities. I offer need-based sliding scale prices if I do not at present take your insurance.