I am dedicated to helping working professionals and parents with the stress, anxiety and continual changes that come with leading companies while raising a family. Can’t catch your breath? As a leader in your company and/or family the avalanche of responsibility seems to be growing greater and your not sure how your going to move forward. You feel like you’re going in circles trying to accomplish the basic tasks just to keep up. You feel so overwhelmed or paralyzed by fear and worry that you’re not sure how you will ever reach your goals. You are motivated to change and make things better, but have no idea where to start. Imagine yourself meeting the challenges that life throws at you and feeling confident in building the professional, parental, and personal success you want. YOU CAN BREATHE AGAIN! You now know you have the insight and effective strategies you need to get things done and achieve your goals. You have the power to overcome the obstacles of stress and anxiety that keep you from a healthier and happier productive life. I CAN HELP YOU gain the tools and insight to reach your goals so you no longer feel stuck. Together we will break the barriers that are holding you hostage and keeping you from the life you deserve. I often like to joke that therapy chose me. Since childhood I have been listening to people's stories. Middle school friends and acquaintances, random strangers in stores and parking lots, and even customers in my early sales career would begin talking to me about the most intimate details of their lives wanting to be heard and often seeking guidance. When I asked asked some of the people I encountered why they felt they could open up to me. They would say I was easy to talk to and they felt better after our time together. After years of trying to figure out where I belonged professionally, I realized it had been there all along... I was born to listen to others and to help them restore their hope, heal their heart, and move towards having the life they deserve. Becoming a therapist has been a rewarding journey that I genuinely believe was meant for me. I feel it is a true honor that people let me into their lives and entrust their inner most thoughts and feelings to my care. I will walk with you in your recovery. You are not alone! I’m a seasoned therapist in the field of mental health. I began my therapist journey working as a therapist in a local state agency and later at a behavioral health hospital where I was able to grow in a leadership role and was lucky enough to lead a team of staff to great success in the growth of strong programs that effectively helped people heal. I have had such wonderful opportunities to help people transform their lives throughout my career. Today, I’m taking it to the next level through my private practice work. I’m dedicated to helping my clients make their dreams come true and transforming into the best version of themselves.
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