For me, healing by definition, is the process of returning to wholeness. Yet, what that means is unique to each individual. Therein lies the journey. I hold great passion, and respect, for the potential we all have to create change in our own lives. I approach change through a trauma-informed, somatic (body-based), and Expressive Arts Therapy (EXA) foundation. In conjunction with an intuitive and empathetic approach, I strive to create a safe, supportive space for folx to explore their inner worlds and the challenges that may be holding them back from a sense of wholeness. My wide range of life experiences greatly informs my ability to meet people in an array of circumstances. Utilizing both my psychotherapeutic training and my own life’s journey. In addition, I also hold the belief that our environments, and lifestyles play a significant role in our well-being. My approach to therapy is integrative, meeting each individual where they are to support them in moving towards a greater understanding of Self. It would be an honor to collaborate with you on your journey towards greater well-being, awareness, and fulfillment. What does your journey look like? “ there are three things that cannot be hidden, the sun, the moon, and the truth” Grace Linn