At Odyssey Counseling we believe in providing Excellence in all we do and in the services that we provide. We want the services and work we do to be Meaningful. We believe that Perseverance is imperative in facing difficult situations, overcoming past trauma, and obstacles, and working through discouragement. We would like the Opportunity to work with individuals, families, couples and the community to provide quality and affordable mental health care and addiction services. We are willing to meet with individuals, families or couples where they are at in the process of change, and encourage them to have a Willingness to work on the issues they are facing. We hold high Ethical standards and practice, and believe in individualized treatment for all individuals. We abide by all ethical codes established by the profession. At Odyssey Counseling we treat everyone with Respect and dignity. We value and believe in providing a Safe and comfortable environment that nurtures and supports the individual to work through whatever difficulties or challenges they are faced with. These are our core values and beliefs that guide us in our practice.