I bring warmth, openness, empathy, intelligent understanding, and a non-judgmental, down-to-earth approach to therapy. Through a relationship in which your experiences are validated and understood, I will help you tap into your innate strength and break the shackles of prior negative, self-defining experiences. You will have the opportunity to change your life and truly free yourself of ways that may have overwhelmed you and held you captive. In an interactive and responsive therapeutic relationship, we cannot predict precisely who will emerge: A strengthened person, free of disruptive influences from past trauma, a person who can have improved relationships and a stronger, well-balanced sense of self. Sometimes emotions and experiences are stored as sensations in the body and remain out of one’s awareness. In an interactive and responsive therapeutic relationship, I can help your body-mind communications to perhaps free you of past negative patterns and beliefs. Self conscious, down, depressed, hopeless, anxious, shy, socially awkward, have low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, perfectionism, small 't' trauma, distracted, or recovering from pandemic stress? Rather than pigeonhole or isolate problems and focus on diagnoses, I focus on your subjective experience and find find ways to nurture emotional growth. Please visit my Website: https://www.drlaurasegal.com