Are there areas in your life where you suffer? If you are like me and everyone I know, then your answer is likely a very strong, "yes." It is possible to not suffer. It is possible to be with the experience you are having and face what is causing the suffering so that you can receive the support and healing needed. It isn't easy, but it is worth it. There is a approach to learning how not to suffer. We identify the barriers; the limiting beliefs that were brought on by trauma and socialization, the sabotaging patterns that once helped us survive and now fuel suffering, the emotions that we have either learned to avoid or overwhelm us, how to listen to what can take care of you. You can learn new and effective approaches that provides the emotional support needed...a form of compassionate accountability. You can learn how to be present to the discomfort (being with our experience) so that you can get through it, to the other side of it. No one can do the work for you but you do not have to do it alone.