Since 1999, Dr. Bolnick has been providing therapeutic services to individuals (i.e., school-age through adulthood) and their families. Thinking outside the box, integrating her understanding of Clinical Psychology, Learning Disabilities, Health Psychology, and Neuropsychology, has allowed her to create innovative interventions. She believes each individual and family is a unique puzzle and no single intervention works with everyone. Clinical interests include health psychology (esp., chronic pain, IBS, Crohn's, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, and food allergies); autism spectrum disorders; psychoeducation and advocacy for those with learning disabilities and ADHD; sensory dysfunction; depression; anxiety; life transitions; parent training; peer issues/bullying; and school refusal. Dr. Bolnick is trained in behavioral management techniques, as well as cognitive-behavioral techniques to help individuals manage their internal thought processes and minimize irrational thoughts. Treatment can take many forms, including supportive therapy, skills-based therapy, and learning acceptance/limitations due to medical or developmental issues. FOR ADDITONAL INFORMATION: