Your child feels overwhelmed, worried, or is having a difficult time adjusting to change. Teachers may have noticed and approached you about it. Perhaps your child is falling behind either academically or having difficulty connecting with peers as a result. You may have also noticed behavioral changes and are concerned about how best to support your child. Or, maybe you yourself feel overwhelmed, worried, burned out, or are tired of going through the motions in life. Perhaps others have commented about your symptoms and you feel that your relationships are suffering because of the way you are feeling. Life can be scary and overwhelming. If you or your child are feeling worried, sad, or are having trouble managing changes in your lives, therapy can give you a space to talk about your struggles and help you learn the tools you need to make lasting change. I specialize in working with children, mothers going through their postpartum period, and individuals who desire to include faith-based practices into their therapeutic work. I am fluent in Spanish and am passionate about working with Spanish-speaking clients. I believe in providing a supportive and encouraging environment to meet your needs.