Clinician Headshot

Michael Clark-Borenstein

We've used a trusted third-party service to verify this practitioner's license.
Mental Health Therapist Bright View Counseling
Available next week
Specialties: Anxiety, Depression, ADD/ADHD, Anger Management, Behavioral Issues,
Insurance: BlueCross and BlueShield


Growing up I was always the person my friends went to for advice. I loved helping them and always knew I wanted a career where I would be able to help people and have a positive impact in their lives. I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland and attended Rutgers University in New Jersey where I earned a Bachelor’s of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Sociology. During my time here I was a volunteer for a mentoring program at a local high school that would help guide students through high school with the goal of earning a full scholarship to Rutgers University. Seeing the positive impact I could have on these student lives further fueled my passion for helping others During my final year at Rutgers I was fortunate enough to study abroad in Rome, Italy. I love to travel and learn about different people, cultures, and customs. During that time I was able to travel to six different countries, where I was immersed in different cultures and customs, which helped me learn and grow as a person. After graduating I moved to Washington, DC where I attended The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, DC Campus for my Masters in Clinical and Mental Health Counseling. I had the opportunity to become the assistant for the President of The American Counseling Association where I would assist with day to day duties, attend conferences, and create and deliver presentations. I also researched on the impact of mental health on high school student athletes. In 2017 my wife and I moved to Charlotte and have loved getting to know the city. Growing up in Baltimore, I have been a Baltimore Orioles and Baltimore Ravens fan for as long as I can remember. In my spare time I enjoy going to concerts, sporting events, traveling with my wife, hiking, and playing with our dog Charlotte. Throughout my life I have been faced with many challenges and difficulties that I was able to overcome to help me get to where I am today. My counseling style takes into consideration the individual differences and developmental stage of each client, while demonstrating respect for the client’s beliefs, customs, and socio-cultural values. My theoretical approach involves integrating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Person-Centered Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Gestalt Therapy. My approaches are used based on what each individual is in need of at the time. Together we can work towards exploring your views and beliefs on past experiences and working together to achieve your goals in therapy. My ideal aged client is 7 and up. My area of focus is, but not limited to, anxiety, depression, ADHD, ODD, life stressors and adjustments, and behavioral modifications.




  • Accepting new clients
  • Offers free consultation
  • In-person & telehealth appointments
  • Accepts online payments and insurance


  • LCMHC #13607 (NC) We've used a trusted third-party service to verify this practitioner's license.
We've used a trusted third-party service to verify this practitioner's license.


Additional focus areas

Treatment Approaches

Population focus

Appointment types

  • Individuals
  • Families
  • Coaching

Age groups

  • Children (6-12)
  • Teenagers (12-18)
  • Young Adults (18-24)
  • Adults (24+)


  • English

Payment options Free intro call available

Pay with insurance

Michael Clark-Borenstein accepts these insurance providers. What you pay depends on your plan.
  • BlueCross and BlueShield

Pay out-of-pocket

Michael Clark-Borenstein has not provided out-of-pocket fees. Get in contact for more information.


Indian Trail Office
3800 Meeting Street Suite 230
Indian Trail, NC 28079-6582
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Frequently asked questions

Is Michael Clark-Borenstein accepting new clients and do they offer online appointment requests? Michael Clark-Borenstein is currently accepting new clients and can be booked on the Monarch website. Michael Clark-Borenstein also offers a free consultation.
Does Michael Clark-Borenstein offer telehealth appointments? Michael Clark-Borenstein does offer telehealth appointments. You can request to book a telehealth appointment with them on their Monarch profile.
What areas does Michael Clark-Borenstein specialize in? Michael Clark-Borenstein specializes in the following areas: ADD/ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Behavioral Issues, Child or Adolescent, Coping Skills, Depression, Grief, Oppositional Defiance, and Self Esteem.

Monarch does not employ any provider and is not responsible for the conduct of any provider listed on our site. All information in member profiles, and messages are created from data provided by the providers and not generated or verified by Monarch. As a user, you need to perform your own diligence to ensure the provider you choose is appropriate for your needs and complies with applicable laws and licensure requirements. Monarch is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice.

Monarch assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable, for the quality or any other aspect of the services a provider may provide to you, nor will Monarch be liable for any act, omission or wrongdoing committed or allegedly committed by any provider.

Articles and information and assessments posted on Monarch are for informational purposes only, and it is not intended to diagnose or treat any health conditions. Treatment and diagnosis should be performed by an appropriate health care provider.