You could benefit from therapy with me if: You are unsatisfied with your relationships and you keep accepting less than what you truly desire and aren't sure why. You lie awake in bed for an hour or more unable to sleep because it feels like you can't turn off the constant replays of the day or worries you have racing in your brain. You make "To-do" lists to help you stay organized and not forget things, but rarely cross everything off and are highly critical towards yourself about "not getting enough done." Life feels like it is on rinse and repeat, day in and day out and you wonder if it will ever feel any different. You are working so hard to keep your shit together and simultaneously get off the struggle bus, but you feel so effing drained all the time. You thought you had "taken care of" or "were past" those awful things that happened to you so long ago until everything recently came rushing back. You intentionally withhold sharing about your personal problems, because you fear "burdening others." You deserve a mentally well-thy life and I am just the person to help! I will pinpoint what isn't working and disrupt the hell out of what might be keeping you from moving onward to the next best thing for you! You can read more about what it is like working with me and services I offer here: