I am a Queer, neurodivergent, IFS-EMDR psychotherapist who helps people tap into the natural healing power of the brain. If you have tried talk therapy without the success you had hoped for, EMDR and IFS may be for you. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Internal Family Systems (IFS) are safe and effective, non-pathologizing, experiential modalities that help you reprocess past events and heal old wounds at the root, so you can let go of toxic thought patterns and blossom into a life worth living! I help you move beyond coping and to experience lasting healing. EMDR uses bilateral stimulation to activate the brain's ability to digest and recode negative experiences, desensitizing the triggers that dysregulate a person. IFS acknowledges and welcomes all parts of the person and helps to enhance internal awareness, trust, and collaboration, moving you from inner conflict to calm and confidence led by a deeper Self. I specialize in working with adult survivors of childhood trauma and neurodivergent people. I have been working in community mental health for many years and am now offering EMDR and IFS treatment online as a private therapist in New York State and Vermont.