I usually go by Renee as it is easier for many of my clients to remember and pronounce. I am an independently Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, with Masters Degrees in Psychology and Mental Health Counseling and I implement a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach. I am a Nationally Certified Trauma-Focused Therapist (TF-CBT), a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP), a Certified Sex-Offender Treatment Provider (CSOTP), a Certified Tele-mental Health Provider (CTMH) and I have a specialization in Forensic Counseling. This specialization focuses on special populations such as veterans, geriatrics, children in foster care, and youth with juvenile justice involvement. I also provide services in a variety of formats including individuals, couples, families, and groups, depending on need, preference, and availability.