Throughout my life, I have developed a deep appreciation of human nature including the struggle we face to maintain uniqueness in a society that bombards us with unrealistic expectations of who we “should” be. Do you find yourself trying to fit yourself into the mold of what other people (romantic partners, friends, family, employers) think you ought to be? In an attempt to maintain connections, cling to existing bonds, or avoid letting people know who we truly are, we will put on any mask that gives us the illusion of being loved or accepted - all the while rejecting and losing connection with our true self. When we live out of old wounds and deny our authentic selves, it can lead to feeling anxious, depressed and self-medicating with substances or other destructive behavior. Asking for help is not easy... and the path of transformation is even more difficult. I believe self-discovery and pursuing the quest for “authenticity” to be primary in living a fulfilling, purposeful life. I commend your courage in taking the steps to be who you were always meant to be… you. If you are ready to embark on this journey, know that you do not have to take it alone. I will walk by your side, shine the light in shadowed dark corners, help you dispel false beliefs, discover new truths, and, most importantly, share in your joy. I am here for you.