People are unique - Different clients need different approaches. These are just some offerings my clients can expect from me: Cultivate New Life Skills: Anxiety, fears and confusion can be real life road blocks to inner peace. Something as simple as creating a budget can restore order, immensely reduce anxiety and cultivate a sense of accomplishment in self. I’ve taught clients how to create a budget and maintain it. There are many other skills you can learn to help you work smarter, not harder. Build Interpersonal Skills: Conversations, communications, relationships can be awkward and difficult: learning how to navigate this muddy realm is part of my work. Helping clients understand alternative points of view, via play and fun, can be a real mind opener to connecting well with others. So we role play together . Find Your Gifts: Support and encouragement are not ‘nice to have’. They are critical to help each of us feel empowered, valued and able to live life fully. How many of us live our lives in the tyranny of the inner critic? Let’s help you build yourself up so you are so longer a prisoner of difficult and very inaccurate way of thinking. I often say: be your own CPA, be accurate about who you are, don’t just exaggerate deficits; learn to also identify and acknowledge your gifts, resources and value. When you are balanced, then you can learn from your difficulties and turn them into resources. Be a good and accurate CPA for yourself ! Find the Right Resources when needed. Break a Negative Cycle or a Rut. And sometimes we will.... just sit and cry together. Resonates with you ? Come see me.