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Stella D. Cruz Rodriguez, PsyD, CCTP-II

We've used a trusted third-party service to verify this practitioner's license.
Clinical Psychologist Stella D. Cruz Rodriguez
Available this week
Specialties: Individual Therapy, Adults (18+), Complex Trauma, Trauma, Dissociation,
Insurance: Aetna, Anthem, Optum, United Healthcare, Out of Pocket


My name is Dr. Stella Cruz and I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the States of Georgia and Florida, and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. I have extensive experience providing individual therapy to adults (18+). I also offer services to English and Spanish speakers via Telehealth. I have experience and training in multiple approaches to treat negative, traumatic, stressful, and challenging experiences. During my years of training and practice, I realized that many mental health issues are rooted in past negative or traumatic experiences. The symptoms of depression, anxiety, substance use, relationship issues, and others can be the tip of the ice-berg. This is why I decided to specialize in working with trauma, PTSD, dual diagnoses, and other related issues. By practicing an integrative approach, I mainly focus on tailoring interventions to each participant's needs. Talking with a therapist who is also a complete stranger can be quite scary. However, giving yourself the opportunity to practice self-care can also be rewarding. I invite you to embark on this path together to start your healing process! I accept some health insurances in the State of Georgia ONLY: AETNA, ANTHEM, OPTUM, and UNITED HEALTH CARE. As an option, if you have another health insurance and need a superbill for your health insurance company, I will be more than happy to provide one to you. A superbill is an invoice that includes the detailed services that you received from me. You can submit said invoice/superbill to your health insurance company. This way they can provide a reimbursement for your claim. *** SPANISH VERSION - VERSIÓN EN ESPAÑOL*** Mi nombre es Dra. Stella Cruz y soy Psicóloga Clínica licenciada en los Estados de Georgia y Florida y Profesional Certificada en Trauma Clínico. Ofrezco terapia individual sólo para adultos (mayores de 18 años). También ofrezco servicios a hablantes de inglés y español a través de Teleterapia. Tengo experiencia y capacitación en múltiples enfoques para tratar experiencias negativas, traumáticas, estresantes y desafiantes. Durante mis años de formación y práctica, me di cuenta de que muchos problemas de salud mental tienen sus raíces en experiencias negativas o traumáticas del pasado. Los síntomas de depresión, ansiedad, uso de sustancias, problemas de relación y otros pueden ser la punta del iceberg. Es por eso que decidí especializarme en trabajar con trauma, PTSD, diagnósticos duales y otros problemas relacionados. Al practicar un acercamiento terapeútico integrador, me enfoco principalmente en adaptar las intervenciones a las necesidades de cada participante. Hablar con un terapeuta que también es un completo extraño puede ser bastante aterrador. Sin embargo, darse la oportunidad de practicar el cuidado personal también puede ser un proceso enriquecedor. ¡Le invito a emprender juntos este camino de sanacion! Se aceptan algunos planes/seguros de salud SÓLO en el Estado de Georgia: AETNA, ANTHEM, OPTUM, and UNITED HEALTH CARE. Por otra parte, si tiene otro plan o seguro de salud y necesita una súper factura para su compañía de planes/seguros de salud, estaré encantada de proporcionársela. Una superfactura es una factura que incluye los servicios detallados que recibió de mí. Puede enviar dicha factura/superfactura a su compañía de seguros. De esta manera, su aseguradora podría proporcionar un reembolso por su reclamo.

RACE & ETHNICITY Hispanic/Latinx


  • Accepting new clients
  • Available on nights & weekends
  • Offers free consultation
  • Telehealth appointments
  • Accepts online payments and insurance


  • Licensed Psychologist #PSY004432 (GA) We've used a trusted third-party service to verify this practitioner's license.
  • TLHT Psychologist #TPPY2137 (FL)
We've used a trusted third-party service to verify this practitioner's license.


Additional focus areas

Treatment Approaches

Population focus

Appointment types

  • Individuals


  • Racial Justice/Equity

Age groups

  • Young Adults (18-24)
  • Adults (24+)


  • English
  • Spanish


  • Multi-Faith

Payment options Free intro call available

Pay with insurance

Stella D. Cruz Rodriguez, PsyD, CCTP-II accepts these insurance providers. What you pay depends on your plan.
  • Aetna
  • Anthem
  • Optum
  • United Healthcare
  • Out of Pocket

Pay out-of-pocket

Stella D. Cruz Rodriguez, PsyD, CCTP-II has not provided out-of-pocket fees. Get in contact for more information.


Video Office

Frequently asked questions

Is Stella D. Cruz Rodriguez, PsyD, CCTP-II accepting new clients and do they offer online appointment requests? Stella D. Cruz Rodriguez, PsyD, CCTP-II is currently accepting new clients and can be booked on the Monarch website. Stella D. Cruz Rodriguez, PsyD, CCTP-II also offers a free consultation.
Does Stella D. Cruz Rodriguez, PsyD, CCTP-II offer telehealth appointments? Stella D. Cruz Rodriguez, PsyD, CCTP-II does offer telehealth appointments. You can request to book a telehealth appointment with them on their Monarch profile.
What areas does Stella D. Cruz Rodriguez, PsyD, CCTP-II specialize in? Stella D. Cruz Rodriguez, PsyD, CCTP-II specializes in the following areas: Adjustment Disorder, Dissociation, Dual Diagnosis, Grief, Mood Disorders, Panic Disorders, PTSD, Stress, and Trauma.

Monarch does not employ any provider and is not responsible for the conduct of any provider listed on our site. All information in member profiles, and messages are created from data provided by the providers and not generated or verified by Monarch. As a user, you need to perform your own diligence to ensure the provider you choose is appropriate for your needs and complies with applicable laws and licensure requirements. Monarch is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice.

Monarch assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable, for the quality or any other aspect of the services a provider may provide to you, nor will Monarch be liable for any act, omission or wrongdoing committed or allegedly committed by any provider.

Articles and information and assessments posted on Monarch are for informational purposes only, and it is not intended to diagnose or treat any health conditions. Treatment and diagnosis should be performed by an appropriate health care provider.