A working machine is comprised of many cogs and gears that must interlock seamlessly in order to function. Our minds are not all that different. One faulty belief can throw our whole center off balance. That is why counseling can be beneficial. Gaining a new perspective is the same as getting a realignment. Counseling can be a life-altering journey as it offers a judgement-free atmosphere to explore our deepest fears, sorrows, and triumphs. The sharing of these experiences can open our minds up to new ideas and perspectives that we may be struggle to uncover on our own. It can be an arduous process searching for the right provider, which is why it’s important for both the client and therapist to be clear about what they are able to offer. I have a straight-forward but empathic approach to helping clients navigate through problems. If my skillset seems to fall in line with what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to reach out. I look forward to speaking with you to begin your journey of self-exploration and personal growth. Let’s get those gears turning!