Therapy begins with first developing an understanding of your unique situation and what you wish to change. After working together to understand your needs for counseling, Dr. Mishler will suggest a plan for your treatment. Dr Mishler has a reputation for straightforward advice offered in a spirit of compassion and support. Formulating strategies together can help you endeavor to make the changes you desire. FAQ “What do I need to know when trying to find the right psychologist for me?” There are several issues to consider when selecting a psychologist. Psychologists are licensed by the states in which they practice, which provides a level of protection to the public that does not exist with unlicensed therapists. Knowing the psychologist is in good standing with their licensing board and their professional organizations can help assure that the psychologist is maintaining a practice in accordance with the standards of the profession. Also, you will want to know that the psychologist has experience and training in working with the specific types of problems for which you are wanting help. When meeting with the psychologist initially, it is important to determine if the therapy relationship is one in which you feel you can develop trust for the therapist. Also, if you are relying on insurance to help pay for your therapy you will want to know if the therapist is covered by your specific health plan. “I'm not crazy, I just find myself stressed out and not functioning as well as I like...I don't need therapy, right?” Therapy is an excellent forum for learning time and life management skills. In addition, people often find certain personal issues are zapping their otherwise good management skills. In those situations, therapy can be very helpful to resolving those personal issues and resume good management skills. “What happens in therapy?” Initially, Dr. Mishler will want to know as much as you understand about what is causing you to seek therapy at that time. Once she understands the issues for which you are wanting help, she can make recommendations about how to address those concerns. If you continue in ongoing treatment, as most do, you will meet weekly to continue to develop a greater understanding of the issues causing distress, and formulate ways to address those problems. Many people feel a certain measure of relief simply by discussing what they are feeling, while others will need to develop a plan of action to begin making the changes they are seeking. “Isn't therapy expensive?” Unfortunately, therapy is expensive. However, most people have some coverage for mental health services in their health insurance plan. Many people pay a small payment at each session, while the bulk of the appointment is covered by insurance. You may want to verify insurance coverage prior to beginning therapy. A small number of people have no coverage for mental health in their insurance and will have to fund therapy entirely out of pocket. “What if I don't know what to talk about?” This can sometimes happen, for a variety of reasons. If your initial focus was on a crisis situation, once the crisis is more resolved, you have the opportunity to then work on the issues that had made you vulnerable to having the crisis. However, in that transition, it can sometimes feel a bit awkward since so much of the prior conversations was focused on the crisis. Also, sometimes the very problem for which a person seeks help can cause them to feel awkward about knowing what to discuss in therapy. For example, people who suffer from social anxiety can sometimes feel quite nervous about the potential of not having enough to say or feel nervous about a lack of structure in interpersonal situations. These pressures can cause them to feel awkward in therapy also. In that situation it is best to discuss the discomfort of not knowing what to talk about. Often Dr. Mishler can help you determine what would be helpful to discuss. “My biggest concern is my relationship, but my partner won't come to therapy with me. Is there any point to coming by myself?” While it could be ideal to have both people present to work on relationship issues, there is also significant progress that can be made if only one person wishes to attend. In many cases, after one person begins therapy and starts to make changes, the partner may wish to begin attending as well. Relationships are a system involving two people, and if one person begins to change, the relationship has to adjust to those changes as well. For example, if one person has a hard time expressing herself and her needs, but her partner refuses to come to therapy, she will create change in the relationship when she begins expressing her needs more effectively. Dr. Mishler can discuss with you if it is reasonable to attend therapy alone for relationship issues, or if your particular situation would require both to attend. “How long will I need to come to therapy appointments?” This is an individual issue, which Dr. Mishler can better answer after meeting with you to discuss your concerns and what you desire to get from therapy. “I need help with some very personal issues, but I am not sure I can talk with a stranger about them.” Most people find they cannot talk about the most personal topics right away in therapy. Over time they develop a greater trust for the therapist, which helps them begin to talk about more sensitive issues. “I have some personal religious beliefs, and I want therapy but I don't want anyone telling me my faith is wrong. Is that a problem?” Psychologists are obligated to respect personal religious beliefs, and it is not appropriate for them to challenge, ridicule or criticize religious beliefs. If faith is an important issue to you, Dr. Mishler is committed to helping you use your faith to work on therapy issues to change your life. In addition to her psychological education, Dr. Mishler has extensive training in theology, and is well equipped to help you understand how you can use your faith in your therapy. For some, religion and faith are not concerns they wish to include in their therapy.
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