Foundationally, I believe that we are relational beings, and that health can be cultivated in intentional, honest, and reciprocal relationships that respect and reveal our inherent dignity. Because relationships to others and ourselves hold great promise and power, they can also be the focus of most of our pain as we move through life. The therapeutic relationship we build together acts as a staging ground and microcosm to help you renew the relationships you have with yourself and others in life. Regarding specialization, I enjoy helping young men find purpose, grounding themselves in healthy masculinity. To that end, I endeavor to help you see what may be driving your pain while also celebrating what you uniquely reveal in your relationships and look to increase your capacity for joy. To those who desire it to be a part of their treatment, I also offer a distinctly Roman Catholic point of view for clients practicing the faith. It is difficult to sit in between what isn't working now and what might help soon. Being that I believe we are created and gifted into our lives, I invite you to speak with me or another qualified counselor. Acting on your own behalf in asking for help is powerful, in that it is simultaneously courageous and humble! Give me a call.