If only life came with a manual, then we wouldn’t need “leaders” to guide us, educate us, motivate us, and encourage us. Life would be perfect with blue skies and no worries. Well unfortunately it doesn’t and sometimes our worlds get cloudy, and we need a extra level of support to guide us through this journey of life. Sometimes change can be uncomfortable especially when you are vulnerable, but knowing that you need help is the first step to the healing process (So great job and kudos to you). I am a LCSW, and I’m here to be that ‘manual’ for you. I utilize a variety of techniques to assist you with accomplishing your goals. I have experience working with adults, minors, and families. My specialties are: depression, anxiety, mood disorders, inadequate social skills, low self-esteem, trauma/PTSD, drug use and abuse, and relationship issues. I have a ‘laid back’ non-judgemental approach, and I believe that every client has the potential to change. This is why I have a person centered approach. I meet the client where they are, and help push them further. Do not settle for less by going through life without a manual to guide you. Feel free to call, text, or email me to scheduled an appointment.