Greetings. Welcome to my webpage and I am happy that you stopped by. I hope that you find the answers that you seek in your visit. I am a clinical psychologist with board certification in behavioral and cognitive psychology. My specialization is in mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy for psychological and medical-related difficulties. I am a professor and active researcher with over 100 publications focused on how best to assess and treat psychological and biomedical problems. My services individual, group, and family assessments and interventions. I also provide consultation and interventions for organizations interested in promoting wellbeing and reducing distress among employees. I believe that we all experience life suffering and striving to find a meaningful and purposeful life. We are together in this amazing life journey. My approach to assessments and intervention is collaborative and based on scientifically-supported procedures focused on promoting wellbeing and thriving, not just symptom reduction. I also embrace a global perspective that blends wisdom and techniques that have been found to be helpful across cultures and regions of the world.