Life is a journey full of change, and sometimes with uncertainty. During life hardships, we may want to talk to someone, get a helping hand, take a break and rest our soul to prepare us for the growth. I provide Bilingual English/Mandarin-Chinese therapy to children ( 6 and up), adults and family who need a teammate. I specialize in treating trauma, mood-related disorder, cultural and identity difficulties, adjustment in life transitions, and chronic stress. I help individuals and families work through challenges and adversities, gain courage, understanding of self, and skills to grow a meaningful, purposeful life. I strive to provide a calm, empathetic, and supportive environment with a mix of orientations depending on your needs in treatment. I have extensive trainings and experience in trauma-inform care, which is adaptive in CBT( cognitive-behavioral therapy), and DBT(Dialectical behavioral therapy). I also utilize person-centered approach with cultural competency. Seeking help can be challenging, therefore I am glad you are making the first step! I meet where you are at with genuine connection. One step at a time to embrace this transformative journey. Understanding and connecting deeply with ourselves will bring the self-compassion we need in our life. It will also bring hope and potential into our life. 人生是一個充滿改變跟成長的旅程,有時候也充滿了不確定性。在經歷困難的時候,我們可能需要慢下來,找人聊聊,向外求助,讓心休息,獲得足夠的力氣能夠繼續往前行。心理諮商師可以成為一個能夠理解你,並且同理你的隊友。我為6歲以上的孩童,青年人,成年人,以及家庭提供專業的心理諮詢服務。我的專長包括:心理創傷,憂鬱症,焦慮症,長時間的壓力症候群,對人生重大事件/轉折的適應, 自我探索與成長。我希望作為隊友,可以幫助來訪者找到有效的方式,有勇氣來面對人生的困難與逆境,慢慢蛻變,創造屬於自己的人生旅途。 心理諮商的過程是放鬆,被支持跟傾聽的。 我希望以來訪者為中心,根據來訪者的個人成長,文化背景,以及諮商的目的,會稍微調整採用的諮商技巧。 我有6年以上的不同治療方式的訓練。在諮商的過程中,主要以創傷治療,認知療法為主。 與他人分享自己內心的故事和感受,承認自己需要一個隊友,是一件很需要勇氣的事情。我很高興你在考慮踏出這一步。我們不著急,一步一步慢慢來,人生的蛻變是一個過程。學會傾聽自己的內在,擁抱接納本來的自己,會讓我們人生的途旅更加的充實。